When the inbox was created. Time stamps are in ISO DateTime Format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX
e.g. 2000-10-31T01:30:00.000-05:00
descriptionDescription of an inbox for labelling and searching purposes
domainID of custom domain used by the inbox if any
The inbox's email address. Inbox projections and previews may not include the email address. To view the email address fetch the inbox entity directly. Send an email to this address and the inbox will receive and store it for you. Note the email address in MailSlurp match characters exactly and are case sensitive so +123
additions are considered different addresses. To retrieve the email use the Inbox and Email Controller endpoints with the inbox ID.
expiresInbox expiration time. When, if ever, the inbox should expire and be deleted. If null then this inbox is permanent and the emails in it won't be deleted. This is the default behavior unless expiration date is set. If an expiration date is set and the time is reached MailSlurp will expire the inbox and move it to an expired inbox entity. You can still access the emails belonging to it but it can no longer send or receive email.
Is the inbox a favorite inbox. Make an inbox a favorite is typically done in the dashboard for quick access or filtering
functionsInbox function if used as a primitive for another system.
ID of the inbox. The ID is a UUID-V4 format string. Use the inboxId for calls to Inbox and Email Controller endpoints. See the emailAddress property for the email address or the inbox. To get emails in an inbox use the WaitFor and Inbox Controller methods waitForLatestEmail
and getEmails
methods respectively. Inboxes can be used with aliases to forward emails automatically.
inboxType of inbox. HTTP inboxes are faster and better for most cases. SMTP inboxes are more suited for public facing inbound messages (but cannot send).
nameName of the inbox and used as the sender name when sending emails .Displayed in the dashboard for easier search
Is the inbox readOnly for the caller. Read only means can not be deleted or modified. This flag is present when using team accounts and shared inboxes.
tagsTags that inbox has been tagged with. Tags can be added to inboxes to group different inboxes within an account. You can also search for inboxes by tag in the dashboard UI.
userID of user that inbox belongs to
Virtual inbox can receive email but will not send emails to real recipients. Will save sent email record but never send an actual email. Perfect for testing mail server actions.
Representation of a MailSlurp inbox. An inbox has an ID and a real email address. Emails can be sent to or from this email address. Inboxes are either
mailboxes. The default,HTTP
inboxes, use AWS SES to process emails and are best suited as test email accounts and do not support IMAP or POP3.SMTP
inboxes use a custom mail server atmx.mailslurp.com
and support SMTP login, IMAP and POP3. Use theEmailController
or theInboxController
methods to send and receive emails and attachments. Inboxes may have a description, name, and tags for display purposes. You can also favourite an inbox for easier searching.Export